Friday, June 12, 2009

More Teeth!

Braden has been a crazy little bug for over a week now. Mike and I have not been able to figure out what's going on- are his ears bothering him again, is he tired, is he is sick, are there more teeth coming!? The first thing I did was check for more teeth. I felt along his gum line, and nothing! So, for the past week, that has been ruled out. Well, we were swimming last night (one of Braden's favorite activities) and all of a sudden I noticed he DOES have new teeth! You can see them trying to push through. They are the top two. They aren't completely through yet, and I can't tell how close they are to fully pushing through, but that certainly explains the bad mood he's been in for the past week. I can't believe my little boy is going to have four teeth so soon. He's growing so fast!

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