Friday, June 12, 2009

The Shopping Cart

So, we're trying to encourage Braden to walk. He can pull up on things and stand up with support, but that's about it right now. The daycare has several little walkers and usually he just pulls up on them and just stands there. Well, about two weeks ago I was picking him up and as usual he pulled up on one and we didn't think he's go anywhere....well, he fooled us! He just took off! So, I thought, it's time we get one of those walkers so he can practice at home too. So, online I went to research different kinds of walkers. I just loved the Fisher-Price Shopping Cart. It looked like so much fun. It literally looks like a little shopping cart, and comes with a little box of cereal, an apple, and eggs. It also makes music as the cart is pushed and in the front has little shapes he can take in and out. What I really like about it was how wide it is. That way, it won't tip over when he pulls up on it and won't lose his balance as he tries to figure out this walking thing.

While we were picking up the shopping cart, we also found this cool gumball machine toy. Braden LOVES it. I highly recommend it. It's also the first toy he has really figured out. He pushed the blue handle on the side to release the "gumballs" and then actually puts the "gumballs" back in the top. I was so impressed!!

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