Sunday, April 26, 2009

Too Big for the Sink!

This Sunday, Braden finally became a little too big for me to bathe him in the kitchen sink. :( He had gotten to the point where he was standing up in the sink and splashing water everywhere in the kitchen. So, I figured it was time to move him to the big boy bathtub! However, I wasn't quite ready for him to sit in the really big boy bathtub, so Cody and Devon suggested we transition him to the ducky they used for Dylan. It was a success! It is much more roomy for him than the sink and will get him used to the real bathtub. He also can splash around all he wants now that he is in the bathtub, so this should be very fun for him! The nose even quacks when you squeeze cute is that! So, no more sink baths for Braden...he's growing up so fast!

1 comment:

Oh the stories we'll tell... said...

How adorable! It's the best...glad he is enjoying it! Just wait!