Saturday, May 16, 2009

Braden Has Found the Dishwasher!

Well, I was unloading the dishwasher this morning and all of a sudden, Braden became very interested in what I was doing. So, he crawled on over to check it out. First he just kind of pulled himself up on the dishwasher door. Then, before I knew it, he crawled right up on top of the door! But it didn't stop there, he then stood up in the dishwasher...he definitely had to see what it was all about! I finally had to remove him from the dishwasher because not only was I done unloading the dishes, but I figured if Daddy caught us we would be in trouble (Calvin always gets in trouble for doing this..hey, maybe that is where Braden actually learned to do this!)! Of course, as soon as I took him down, he started screaming...Mommy ruined all his fun. We're in that stage where he screams at the top of his lungs when he doesn't get his way...I'm hoping it's a short-lived phase. :) Enjoy the new pictures of Braden's dishwashing adventures!

1 comment:

Oh the stories we'll tell... said...

I love it!!! Fingers crossed it is a stage...they temper tantrums aren't fun! :)