This morning at 8am we had a check-up at Dr Flanagan's, because Braden is one! It was a good visit. Braden was a little cranky, but we entertained him by showing him these little wall stickers of fish they have on the wall in the room we were in. When Dr Flanagan checked him out he said his ear tubes looked great and he looks great. But, he did tell us Braden has a molar coming in...that would definitely explain why Braden hasn't been sleeping through the night. He keeps waking up screaming, so that must be why. Braden received three vaccines. He also told us we could switch Braden to regular milk. He said the new recommendation is 2% percent, instead of whole milk. So, Mike and I are going to attempt to make the switch and we're going to begin working on getting rid of the bottle. We'll see how that goes. ;) We also want to begin teaching him body parts, such as nose and belly button. So, here are some of his stats at one-year:
Weight: 21 pounds 12.6 ounces (25.50 percentile)
Height: 30 inches (50.75 percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.5 (50.75 percentile)
Favorite Things: Daddy and Winnie the Pooh, and he does love his dogs and cats
Favorite Toys: Lawnmower, hockey stick, and xylophone stick
Things He "Says": dat, bubbles, da da
Silly Things He Does: unravels toilet paper is our favorite
He's also walking like a pro!!We've also begun implementing "time-out" with Braden. He unfortunately has begun hitting the TV, and mommy and daddy. So, when he does this we tell him he's going in his "time-out" corner. I really thought he wouldn't be able to make sense of what "time-out" is, but he is starting to react to it. We want our little boy to be sweet and well-behaved, so we are glad this is helping.
Our next appointment will be in a month, for the second shot of the flu vaccine, and then after that will be at 15 months.