Friday, August 21, 2009

Did Someone Say Bubbles???

So Braden has recently developed an obsession with BUBBLES!! I knew he liked them and would get very entertained by them when Mike and I would blow bubbles. But we didn't know just how much until he started actually saying BUBBLES! We've tried getting him to say dog, cat, mama, dada, etc because the animals and mom and dad are always around him, well he never quite picked it up. He says "that" (sounds like "dat") all the time and I am pretty sure he says "dada" alot since daddy is his favorite person EVER...but with bubbles not being around all the time, we were just so surprised to hear him pick up this word. Guess we know what he likes! If I can catch a video of him saying "bubbles" I will defintely post it!

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